Oxford Bibliography Review of Spiritual Leadership

Our Review of the literature on Spiritual Leadership in the Workplace, originally published in 2018, has been revised and published by Oxford Bibliographies.

While spiritual leadership has been a subject of interest in the major spiritual and religious wisdom traditions for eons, it was the mid-1990s that spiritual leadership of individuals, teams, and organizations became the focus of scholarly research. However, it was not until a causal theory of spiritual leadership was introduced in 2003 and the Leadership Quarterly special issue on spiritual leadership in 2005 that the field gained focus and made a significant step toward achieving paradigmatic recognition. Since then, spiritual leadership theory has evolved to encompass ethical and spiritual well-being, an inner-life practice that is the source for drawing strength from a higher power to transcend one’s selfish programs for happiness to better love and serve others, the triple bottom line or employee well-being (people), sustainability (planet), and profit, the spiritual leadership balanced scorecard business model and, most recently, global leadership for sustainability. An ever-growing body of research, including two meta-analyses, on spiritual leadership has established the reliability and validity of the spiritual leadership survey and revealed that the spiritual leadership predicts a large number of individual and organizational outcomes across numerous countries and cultures.

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