SUSTEX2021 Conference Call For Submissions

As you may know, I am now championing Spiritual Leadership as a foundational paradigm for Global Leadership for Sustainability, which embeds spirituality into sustainability and sustainable development.  

After having to cancel last year, we’re coming back better and stronger with SUSTEX2021, which will be virtual with some local presence. We’ve also expanded the scope of the conference to include four themes around the Sustainable Development Goals. This year we have a variety of submission formats, including working/completed papers, extended abstracts, workshops, panels, and symposia.

We especially welcome submissions on the central role of spirituality and religion for sustainability and sustainable development.

Also, please feel free to share our call with your networks, and don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions.

Warm regards,


Jody Fry, Ph.D.
Regents Professor of Management & Leadership
Founder: International Institute for Spiritual Leadership
Program Director: MS One Planet Leadership Program 
Texas A&M University – Central Texas
1001 Leadership Way
Killeen, TX 76549

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