The Vision/Stakeholder Effectiveness Analysis

The purpose of the vision stakeholder analysis to (1) establish and/or reinforce the vision, purpose, mission, and values of organizational spiritual leadership, (2) identify key stakeholder issues and (3) provide the basis for an organization-wide dialogue concerning the appropriate goals and strategies to address them. The next step is to then develop organizational development (OD) strategies for OD intervention and ongoing training to implement and sustain these goals and strategies. At a minimum these include implementing elements of team empowerment; collaborative, consensus-based decision making; managing conflict, managing and overcoming resistance to change; and overcoming anger, resentment, worry, and fear through forgiveness acceptance, and gratitude (See organizational development interventions). Finally, these changes must be aligned with key organizational design variables.

An organizations vision/stakeholder effectiveness analysis utilizes a vision and values-driven stakeholder approach. This process is initiated by developing a vision/mission whereby strategic leaders and/or followers seek to serve key stakeholders. The vision then forms the basis for the social construction of the organization’s culture as a learning organization and the ethical system and values underlying it.

Vision/Purpose/Mission – Answers three questions:

  1. Vision – What is our journey?
  2. Purpose – Why are we taking it?
  3. Mission – Who are we and what are we doing at the present to fulfill our vision and pupose?

Qualities of an Effective Vision

  1. Broad appeal to key Stakeholders
  2. Defines the Destination and Journey
  3. Reflects High Ideals
  4. Encourages Hope/Faith
  5. Establishes a Standard of Excellence

From a strategic and empowered team leadership perspective, it is necessary for organizations to adopt a stakeholder approach in viewing social organizations as being imbedded in layers or levels (individual, group, organizational, societal) with various internal and external constituencies (employees, customers, suppliers, government agencies, etc.), all of whom have a legitimate strategic and moral stake in the organization’s performance. Each of these stakeholders may have different values and interests as well as different stakeholder relationships with other individuals, groups and organizations.

Stakeholder Analysis Process

  1. List all high power and/or high importance stakeholders.
  2. Identify and list stakeholder group expectations.
  3. Determine any issues relating to unmet stakeholder expectations
  4. Select the one or two most important issued that are within the power of the team to address.
  5. Establish empowered teams/task forces around key issues.
  6. Develop goals and strategies to address the issues.
  7. Review/Develop information systems to monitor progress and measure effectiveness.

Read more on the vision/stakeholder analysis process 

See an example of a vision/stakeholder analysis