
We conduct retreats that can be customized to your company’s needs. Retreats are a great way to get the key players in the organization on the same page with regards to Maximizing the Triple Bottom Line Through Spiritual Leadership.

Leaders hold a retreat when there is a compelling business reason to create a new result with all the brains in the room – whether that’s the top leadership team, a newly formed department, or the entire company.  Using, Maximizing The Triple Bottom Line Through Spiritual Leadership as a guide, the retreat is usually convened after administration of the Organizational Spiritual Leadership Survey, which establishes a baseline for the Spiritual Leadership Model as well as identifies key issues that, if addressed, will move your organization to the next level of performance. Using these data as input, IISL’s facilitators will guide you through a vision/stakeholder effectiveness analysis process that will establish/reaffirm your company’s vision/purpose/mission and cultural values as well as identify key stakeholder expectations and challenges. Finally, recognizing that, ultimately, an organizations is effective only if you meet or exceed these expectations, a beginning is made on developing goals and strategies to meet these challenges

Retreats are usually held in the Texas hill country near Austin or at your location. Please contact us for further information on the options available for how to start the journey to move your organization to the next level of performance through one of IISL’s peaceful and productive retreats.