Maximizing the Triple Bottom Line
One of the greatest challenges facing today’s organizational leaders is how to develop business models that address issues of ethical leadership, employee well-being, sustainability, and social responsibility without sacrificing profitability, growth, and other metrics of performance excellence – the Triple Bottom Line. Now available in paperback, Maximizing the Triple Bottom Line through Spiritual Leadership draws on the emerging fields of workplace spirituality and spiritual leadership to teach both scholars and practitioners how to utilize business models that will achieve this delicate balance. The authors offer a general process as well as methods and tools for implementing these models. To bring these to life, the book provides real-world cases, based on years of widely acclaimed research by the International Institute of Spiritual Leadership, of for-profit and non-profit organizations that have leaders who have cultivated and implemented both personal and organizational spiritual leadership. Our latest book, Spiritual Leadership in Action: the CEL Story, is also now available.
Spiritual Leadership in Action: The CEL Story

Spiritual Leadership in Action: The CEL Story, was written as a supplement to Maximizing the Triple Bottom Line Through Spiritual Leadership. In this book the Centre for Excellence in Leadership (CEL). serves as a role model for maximizing the triple bottom line through both personal and organizational spiritual leadership. CEL is a stellar example of an organization that achieved extraordinary results through ordinary people by embracing organizational spiritual leadership, the values of altruistic love, employee well-being, and sustainability while maintaining high levels of financial performance – The Triple Bottom Line. Spiritual Leadership in Action: The CEL Story also chronicles how , as CEO, Lynne Sedgmore led CEL through its spiritual journey, including several “Dark Nights of the Soul,” to a place of preeminence in the United Kingdom’s Learning and Skills sector.
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